Title: Mamma Mia
Director: Phyllida Lloyd
Production: Relativity Media, Littlestar
Genre: Comedy, Musical
Budget: $52,000,000
Box Office: $144,130,063
Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan
opening-scene from Mamma Mia! (2008) - Video Dailymotion
The ident from Universal
We first get the sound of waves before any image, then we get a gradual image of dark waves crashing against a boat.
Then we cut to a wide shot of a path leading to a yellow post box. The yellow stands out as theres lots of dark blues and tones around the shot. This cold connote the importance of the post office if the letters she's posting are important to her.
Then we cut a long of the girl as she walks towards the postbox but she's still unknown as the shadows cover her face. Cut to another shot of the postbox as this is much closer, connotes that this letterbox is quite important. Then to cut back to the girl with a medium shot as she continues to walk, masked by the shadows. We cut to the last shot of the yellow postbox which is fully centre of the screen, then finally we see the girl; Sophie unmasked as she holds 3 letters.
Then the music quickly changes to a upbeat 70s track as we get a montage of shots of the three men. This emphasises the busyness which all three men are surrounded in and adds adrenaline to the montage.
Our first shot of the montage is a close up shot of a tattoo on one of the guy's knee. This tattoo could connote to a rebellious, spontaneous or inde side to this guy. In addition we see a part of a motorbike, again showing a rebellious characteristic.
Then we get a wide shot of Bill on his bike. Within the Mis-en-sence we see Bill's style more clearly as he's wearing shorts, sunglasses, a hat and a t-shirt. This connotes that the weather wherever he is its quite warm and sunny or it could show that he's into travelling a lot as he's on a motorbike.
Then we get a panning down shot looking down onto another male character, Sam. The shot pans from a tall building. This implies that he works in this building and this is answered as we see a small female assistant instructing or telling him something which causes him to walk over these Asian business men. This shot is at a low angle (just below eye level) this suggests that Sam is more important than the Asian men, she could be a boss of a company or of a section within the company.
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