Sunday 16 April 2017

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the profession from it to the full product?



Friday 14 April 2017

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learn about technologies from the process from the process of constructing this product?

Since my opening required a lot of editing so I have definitely learnt loads of new skills in Final Cut. Before Media A level I was very confident with iMovie as I used that software on some videos and projects outside school but Final Cut was a bigger step for me. It was similar like the basic tools but theres more effects and tools to really make any video projects professional. Better effects, better quality sounds/musics (more realistic), better, more effective tools.

For example; Colour Balance was a feature that I didn't come across in iMovie and from just seeing it on the icon menu on right of the screen, I personally didn't think it would have a big impact on my work. But I was completely wrong.

The effects menu. The colour balance tool is the magic wand icon

I felt that this laptop scene in particular was quite warmed tone shot and didn't really fit in within the other shots. Therefore by using the colour match tool, I selected this low-angled shot and selected a wide shot and with the power of technology matched the tones with the wide shot. This made the laptop shot a bit lighter but still had elements of darkness as around that shot it has that shadow. 

As well as that I learnt more about screen capturing. I used quicktime to record the screen and I did find it very easy and good quality image. The only problem I found that it didn't record sound and I was hoping to have some videos on the screen and have the sound coming through and when editing I would put photos around it. But that wasn't the case. Unfortantly I had to re-think my layouts for the montage, however its turned out great and better than expected.

In general I have had my ups and downs with technologies as some have worked amazing for me but other parts haven't and when my opening realises on the editing (technology) to make everything worked together perfectly, its a struggle but I have learnt from successes and mistakes to make future projects better.

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Attract: Cause to come to a place or participate in a venture by offering something of interest or advantage.
In the film industry, the distribution processes is a way of attracting an audience. By releasing teasers, trailers, posters, clips, etc.. 
Address: How does a film 'speak' to its target audience. 
By using certain forms of media conventions and elements help 'speak' to audience/ the audience to understand about what's going on in the film. E.g costumes, props, narration, mise-en-scene, sounds...

Distribution process; trailers, posters, other marketing tools 
in teasers and clips. I would used the most entriging scenes which create tension and suspense as it will hook the audience’s imagination and attention, leaving them with a snippet of fear and thrill. 

As well as teasers, I would use the power of social media to help attract an audience. By creating social media pages, I can release information, posters, pictures, etc.. for anyone to see, creating a wider and diverse audience. In addition people can have online discussions about the film and build a fan base. Furthermore people who have had similar experiences that are shown in Obsession, can help share awareness and get help for anyone who needs it. 

When addressing my characters I have used certain shots, music, costumes, dialogue to highlight either a positive or negative perspective on the protagonist and antagonist. In Obsession, I portray Millie to be innocent, bubble, fun teenage girl and when falling for Brett’s plan she becomes broken physcally and mentality as Brett has changed and oruppeted her. I feel that the audience will feel sympathic towards Millie as her fun, youthful life is slowly dying, becoming this weak girl. 
Arguably you could say that Brett is the antagonist based upon his insane intention, aggressive towards others, sometimes to Millie and his psychotic persona. However there are elements of sympathy towards Brett about his past with his parents and how he’s mentally ill. Brett has problems and struggles throughout his life, leading him to do things that are wrong  because he thinks there are right. 
Even though Obsession is the story about Millie slowly becoming a broken teen as she falls for a psychotic man. Also its about revealing the destroyed, sad, broken boy deep down within a ill young man. Therefore the audience will slowly uncover this about Brett and equally still give him some sympathy. 

Within my opening, I used narrative enigma leaving the audience puzzled as questions pop up in their minds but those questions give them a buzz as they're getting introduced to character and all they capture a figure and some facial features. No name, age, background knowledge, anything about Brett whereas the audience already know bits about Millie, i.e. name, age, personality. 

When showing my final cut to family and friends (who were more brutal than I thought) they did react as I wanted to achieve as they felt "on edge" and were "intrigued to learn more". However some did like the dark suspense track felt it was overpowering at times and they couldn't take in every detail because of it. Therefore if I could go back and improve the final cut I would lower the volume of the track 

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Evaluation Questions 2&4

Q2:How does your media product represent particulate social groups?
Q4:Who would be the audience for your media product 

Podcast questions 2&4

Monday 10 April 2017

Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Sunday 9 April 2017

Final Cut

Overall I do like my final cut how there's some elements that I have grown to hate. I love the script for the narration, its very creepy and adds tension I just don't like how I executed the voice over. At the time I didn't have a male who was willing to record the narration for me. I couldn't ask my grandad as he has a very broad Yorkshire accent and sadly wouldn't bring out the creepiness, obsessiveness in the narration. Therefore I quickly thought on my feet and decided I would record myself and try to adjust the pitch and tone but I found that it's slightly impossible to do that in Final Cut and I couldn't find any other software online that would help with this task. I've got to admit the voice over is rubbish and I'm not happy with it and it wouldn't have it but I really wanted to included the narration as I feel it tops of the creepiness and adds that sense of tension that makes people's skin crawl.

In addition, I didn't add any more tittles as from my genre research I found that most thrillers and drama (especially Drama Thrillers) didn't include a lot of titles in the opening, the only titles that were featured were  the movie title, director, produce and production company then in the next scene they include more credits like actors

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the profession from it to the full product? Vlog ...