Monday 9 January 2017

Audience Research using YouGov

To get more research to see if there was any patterns within gender and age. To find certain films that fit closely to my genre and plot, I went onto BoxOffice Mojo and went on the highest box office rating films in the Thriller: Stalker/Pyscho genre and went through most of the films to see the results of potential audience members. However it was't really successful as most of the top ranked films didn't come up on the YouGov website which in itself shoes that the film or even genre aren't that popular. But I did get some results but they weren't necessarily the films I would of liked to research about but never the less I got some results. Interestingly I got very different result than I was expecting. What I was originally expecting was to see young adult audience ranging between 18-35  and mostly males however more 40 year olds and above.

Sleeping with the Enemy
Gender: Female
Age: 40-51
Social Grade: ABC1
Regions: North West
Monthly Spare: less than £125
Politics: Right Wing
Professions: Fashion and Designs

Gender: Male
Age: 40-54
Social Grade: C2DE
Regions: London
Politics: Right Wing
Professions: Sports Industry

One Hour Photo
Gender: Female
Age: 25-39
Social Grade: ABC1
Regions: North West
Monthly Spare: less than £125
Politics: Left Wing
Professions: Community and Social Care

Fatal Attraction
Gender: Female
Age: 55+
Social Grade: ABC1
Regions: East Anglia
Monthly Spare: £1000 or more
Politics: Right Wing
Professions: Finance

Basic Instinct 
Gender: Male
Age; 40-54
Social Grade: ABC1
Regions: North West
Monthly Spare: £1000
Politics: Right Wing
Professions: Sports Industry

Eyes Wide Shut
Gender: Male
Age: 55+
Social Grade: ABC1
Regions: London
Monthly Spare: £1000 and more
Politics: Right Wing
Professions: Architecture and Interior Design

1 comment:

  1. Good research Ellie but you should add a summary of your findings...


Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the profession from it to the full product? Vlog ...