Friday 18 November 2016

Film Opening Idea no.3

Title: Obsession or Her or The Girl

Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery

Synopsis: A young adult, Brett (aged 21-25) has an obsession with a teenage girl, Millie (aged 16-18)

Opening: Montage of photos and videos of Millie on a laptop, then cuts to a study seeing a hooded figure behind a desk in a room. Cuts between close up shots of the hooded figure and wide/panning of the room. The opening ends as the hooded figure gets up and leaves the room.


Possible locations: A bedroom, or a dark room, Leeds or busy city (for some of the video clips)

Props: A laptop or computer, photos of the teenage girl, number of files/documents, maps, glasses, mugs/cups, bottles of alcohol. Videos and photos will need to be taken before filming as they are embedded into the screen of the computer.

Costume: Black/dark clothing, a hoodie, jeans, trainers, coat, etc...

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Evaluation Question 7

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