Friday 18 November 2016

Film Opening Idea no.3

Title: Obsession or Her or The Girl

Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery

Synopsis: A young adult, Brett (aged 21-25) has an obsession with a teenage girl, Millie (aged 16-18)

Opening: Montage of photos and videos of Millie on a laptop, then cuts to a study seeing a hooded figure behind a desk in a room. Cuts between close up shots of the hooded figure and wide/panning of the room. The opening ends as the hooded figure gets up and leaves the room.


Possible locations: A bedroom, or a dark room, Leeds or busy city (for some of the video clips)

Props: A laptop or computer, photos of the teenage girl, number of files/documents, maps, glasses, mugs/cups, bottles of alcohol. Videos and photos will need to be taken before filming as they are embedded into the screen of the computer.

Costume: Black/dark clothing, a hoodie, jeans, trainers, coat, etc...

Film Opening Idea No.2

Title: Vegas Stripper

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Synopsis: A broken hearted women makes a drunken mistake by applying for a job at a strip club in Vegas
Opening: Main protagonist finds out via a friend that her long term boyfriend is cheating on her with her childhood bestfriend. Gets drunk instantly, has fun, dances and sings around her flat. Whilst heavily drunk, gets her laptop and applies for a strip club job in Vegas. After applied, yawns and jumps into bed, unaware of what she just applied for.

Locations: A bedroom, bathroom

Cast: A young women (aged 21-30) fun, flirty, adventurous

Film Opening Ideas no.1

Title: The Four Elements? The Five Elements (dependant on how many characters)

Genre: Fantasy, Teen

Synopsis: Four or Five teenage girls find out they have magical powers in which they have to use to save a kingdom from evil.

Possible locations: bedroom, school (Ilkley Grammar), Ilkley

Overview of the opening: Following each of the four or five girls' daily morning routine as slowly their their magical abilities start to unfold. Journey to school, each girl will have a different transport (e.g. car, bus, train, bike, walking)

Props/Costumes: Casual clothing, bags, clothing/uniform and props needs to help reflect each of the girls' different personalities

Cast: 5 girls aged between 15-17

A popular girl, very girly, blonde, into fashion and beauty

A cheeky girl, wears glasses, an outsider

A confident girl, the comedian

A creative girl, into arts, shy

A new girl, complete unknown

Swede: The Hunger Games

Overall the Swede of the The Hunger Games was fairly good as I felt we got all of the main scenes done to the best to our abilities. We found good locations such as we filmed our outdoor shots on The Cow and Calf and The Moors which were perfect as the quietness of the moors created the battle grounds. It was windy so the sound of some clips weren't quite crisp and sharp

Thursday 10 November 2016

Feedback no.2

Overall I feel that you have made an excellent start to the course and I have been very impressed with your commitment, enthusiasm and desire to do well. Well done. Love the vlogs too; keep it up! Although they are quite long! Maybe make more notes beforehand and be more targeted in your analysis. You are currently working at a low Excellent level (A/B); in order to ensure your work falls comfortably within your targeted A/B grade, you should do the following going forward:
Now that we are approaching production, I would recommend that you start blogging more regularly on everything that you are doing on the course. This could start with your swede; write a blog (or do a vlog) on your contribution to the production and what your challenges/difficulties were in achieving your swede.
Keep it up! You are on target and I’m looking forward to seeing you work on your film opening.

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the profession from it to the full product? Vlog ...